Kids in need experience an unforgettable day

StartFragmentMontgomery & Graham believes in giving back whenever possible. The team knows the holidays can be one of the toughest times for families in need. The company signed up once again, for the 11th straight year, to spend the day shopping for children at the Christmas for Kids event. The annual event is a magical day where local children in extreme need are joined by a volunteer to shop for their Christmas list. The lists are usually comprised of basic clothing needs and are for the children and their immediate siblings.EndFragment

StartFragmentM&G team members Jackie Lesch and Donyela Cornelius picking out clothing for their child.EndFragment
StartFragmentThe kids that are nominated for Christmas for Kids are provided with free coats from Columbia Sportswear, hygiene products from United HealthCare and stuffed animals and blankets from the local police forces. All of these items make such an enormous impact on these children’s lives. Account Manager Jackie Lesch is a veteran, volunteering for over 17 years in a row. “Taking a young child shopping for Christmas for Kids is so rewarding. Watching them sit on Santa’s lap, helping them get a new winter jacket, and picking out a new toy is magical. The holidays made brighter through the eyes of innocent children, nothing is better than that!" EndFragment

StartFragmentM&G Partner Wes Montgomery and wife Karen volunteering at the annual eventEndFragment

StartFragmentWes Montgomery was inspired by his day volunteering at Christmas for Kids. When asked what the event meant to him he said, “For me it’s knowing that this day may have been Sabastian’s best day! The teacher met us at the check-in and shared that his family had been going through a lot and we learned quickly through Sabastian that his mom and 3 brothers had “roommates”, which were another mom and 3 kids. We started at the clothes section and he was the nicest boy, thankful for anything we showed him. At one point we asked him if he wanted blue jeans or black jeans and he said, “Well I’ve never had black jeans before, maybe I should try those”. When we headed to the toy section his eyes lit up and he said, “You mean I get toys too!? I thought I just got clothes”. To see the appreciation and watching him not going after the biggest most expensive thing, but looking at everything closely and then choosing a small action figure over all the other options. Best of all was his reaction when he heard he didn’t have to pick just one toy, but could have more than one. You could just see the glow. Funny though the next thing he picked he said, “I’m going to get this one because I know my little brother would like it.” Finally as we were walking out, he said “I sure wish I could have gotten something for my mom”. We immediately asked what his mom would like and he replied, “Well she likes coffee, maybe we could get her a coffee mug”. He was just such a selfless kid when he probably had every reason to be selfish. Spending the day with Sabastian meant as much to us, as it did to him. It's so satisfying to help kids that were just dealt and unlucky card, but are great kids and appreciative of everything they have. Growing up, my mom raised my brother and I on low fixed income and it was tough at times, but we had some great people who helped us out, that I still remember. I love any opportunity to make a difference in the day, or maybe the life, of a kid like Sabastian."EndFragment
StartFragmentTo learn more about the Christmas for Kids Foundation go to Join us next year in the giving! Sign up to volunteer or be a sponsor. EndFragment