Employee Benefits
Experts In the Industry
Listen as Brian Leong, one of our Employee Benefits Consultants, walks us through the basics of self-funding, including who is and isn't an ideal candidate to make the switch.
the process
Help you select the right plan for your organization.
Act as the link between your employee and their benefit plan, administering your plan seamlessly and continuously.
your partner
Developing a comprehensive employee benefits program is more important than ever. Competitive wages and labor shortages in many industries require companies to win with employee benefits. The government has even put laws in place to force your hand in many situations. Our job as benefit consultants has never been more important than it is today. Knowing that you have a trusted advisor that is innovative, evolving, and advocating for your business can be one of the most important decisions you make.
Traditional Benefits: Medical, dental, life, disability, including enrollment systems.
Self-Funded Plan Designs: Control costs and understand what is driving trends.
Full Financial Reporting Package: Including predictive modeling tools.
Wellness/Engagement Strategies: Healthier employees, improved health plan performance, reduced costs.
Voluntary Strategies: Solutions tailored to meet your unique demographic needs
Ongoing Support
Cost Control
Insurance Planning & Consultation
developing a solution
While we recognize that the numbers at the bottom of the spreadsheet take #1 priority, focusing our attention there does not alleviate the problem of increasing healthcare costs. We work with our clients to develop long term strategies to improve these bottom line numbers both short term, and more importantly, over time by implementing cost control measures that actually improve health, reduce claims, and lower plan costs in the end. A variety of indirect positives influences are established that lead to improved productivity and return on investment. Our clients are able to make informed and educated decisions through the use of comprehensive data analytics and predictive modeling tools. We work to provide top down engagement in all the programs we establish.
Workforce engagement
Data analytics – cost drivers
Predictive modeling
Cost projections / IBNR calculations
Plan design modeling
Financial reporting